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Andrea Butcher


Postdoctoral Researcher


University of Helsinki

Andrea Butcher is a development anthropologist with expertise in the social study of antimicrobial resistance. She has collaborated on multidisciplinary projects examining AMR in the context of global development since 2017. At the University of Exeter, she held a postdoctoral position for an international collaboration examining socioeconomic drivers and risk factors of antimicrobial use in Bangladesh’s shrimp aquaculture industry, before joining Helsinki University's Sociology department as postdoctoral researcher for the project Antimicrobial Resistance in West Africa (AMRIWA).


Andrea is drawn to questions of how rapid urbanisation, modern food production practices, and inadequate institutional and material infrastructures for water and sanitation management open new pathways for AMR transmission between humans, non-human animals and the environment (One Health Approach).


Andrea is substituting PI Salla Sariola until late spring 2023 and will join FIMAR fulltime in May 2023 as senior researcher in Sociology.

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